Saturday, November 7, 2009

Epic WIN

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
crappy quality video.

This has been my all-time favourite movie. It's about Victorian Era superheroes, being recruited by a guy named 'M' to combat a power-hungry enemy (Fantom), which in the end turned out to be M himself.

The best part is this movie combines the works of infamous writers like Bram Stoker, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Herman Melville, Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe.. and that is why this movie is superwickedbloodykickin'awesome. Ade Dorian Gray, Mina Harker, Dr Jekyll and My Hyde, Allan Quatermain, Captain Nemo and Tom Sawyer. Best kan...ok tak. The 2nd best part is Sean Connery pelat 'S'. "The game...ish on" and "Thish ish Africa, shweating ish what we do" hahahha.

This movie, I think, will bore some people to death but I know Nurfalihin won't mind watching it since she thinks all movies are awesome. Haha. All I'm saying is, this movie is my kind of movie. And so are Changeling (tengok 100 kali pon tak bosan kot), Sweeney Todd, Pirates of the Carribean, Queen of the Damned, Valkyrie, Public Enemies (ni Loyah tak suke. Haha) and all those movies that Seming would most probably won't put in her to-watch list. Anything from the 18th century and 20's,30's,40's,50's is fine by me. Old-fashioned? Agakla. Cantek ape baju dulu-dulu. Nak pakai skirt kene ade rangka die dulu. Barula vintage. Haha.

Currently downloading Elizabeth:The Golden Age.

4 yakkety-yaks:

Anonymous said...

hahah hannah..
bese btul pe aq ckp sume cte aq ckp bes memg bes taw..
tp skunk ni da jarg tgok muv da =(

Haaaannah said...

eh bukan banyak ke nk kluar? pisau cukur kan? aku tunggu kot movie tu!

Dira said...

hee i suke tgk cite dulu2 jgk. especially yg mase 1800s. more specifically period dramas like pride and prejudice. and yeah baju diorg mase dulu2 sume lawa2 okaaay.

Haaaannah said...

ditto! :)

tp i xsuke sgt pride and prejudice. i find it kinda dry.i wonder why.

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