Saturday, August 28, 2010

I wish..

I wish that I can be more patient.
I wish that Malaysia can somehow turn the heat off.
I wish that my sore throat can go away without me having to eat those awful tasting lozenges.
I wish lozenges are more like marshmallows. You could eat them profusely.
I wish to meet Katherine Heigl.
I wish I know the reason why I'm being so angry right now.
I wish for the baby dumping shits to end. Seriously, guys? I'm older than you guys and we can't even get to hold hands, not unless I fall down or something. Patience is virtue.
I wish I can be more witty and sarcastic. Or wittily sarcastic. Or sarcastically witty. Or maybe something in between.
I wish Hazim could stop drooling in his sleep.
I wish I can travel through time.
I wish that the Jews, American and British would stop messing around with the Middle Eastern countries. What more do they want?
I wish Malays, Chinese and Indians can be best friends, sincerely.
I wish TV3 would stop using background theme songs from Full House and Pirates of the Caribbeans in their dramas. It's uhh..pathetic.
I wish I can deny how bad Daniel Radcliffe looks nowadays but I'm afraid I can't. Even Longbottom looks better than him.

I wanna go watch Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Went to KL today for an interview with Maybank for the post of credit analyst, and I think the interview went well. At least, I didn't "uhhh..." or "uhhmmm...." a lot. OK, that's not the main story here. The main story took place at Platform 5, KL Sentral.

There I was, descending from the elevator to Platform 5 Pelabuhan Klang. I glanced at the digital clock that showed the train's time of arrival. Darn it, I thought to myself, setengah jam lagi! So I thought I'd might as well fill in the time with reading ceywah..sebab nak dengar lagu battery low kan. I found myself an empty seat in between two guys and took out my copy of Deception Point. I started to read, quite happily I daresay.

Then, the guy in my left started to talk softly, and he looked kinda restless. And by restless I mean tak dudok diam, terkinja-kinja. I'm a person who prefers to mind her own business, so I didn't look away from my book. He was saying things like :

"Izinkan saye nak berkenalan dengan awak."
"Uish.. untungnya kalau dapat berkawan dengan awak, dah lah cantek, sopan pulak tu."
"Nanti dalam train nak dudok sebelah awak lah."

In my mind I was like, euw..nak cakap dengan awek pon tak payah lah sampai orang laen dengar. What irritated me was that he kept on dropping his KTM ticket on ground. Come on la dude, are your fingerprints so f*cked up that your ticket asyik nak jatuh je? I got a little bit distracted, but I kept on reading anyway. But then he started to say things that were really creepy.

"Ooo.. suka baca buku..."
"Eh, asyik maen handbag je."

Is this guy monologuing about me? Or am I that perasan? So I continued to ignore him. Sekali tu die cakap..

"Deception Point."

Hm. Memang terbaek la kan. I was travelling alone and this creepy guy thinks it's funny to 'get to know me' and attract my attention by monologuing about me and what I was doing. That's effing creepy la and if you think you're going to get a girl by doing those shits, you're very wrong. I don't know lah if there's any girl that would fall for that.

I got up and waited in line to get on board the train. Luckily no creepy human being followed me.

I've been thinking about how I would respond if he did go overboard with his creepiness and I could only think of one solution. And that is, I would start to speak to him sternly, but not in Malay, but in English. I think that will show him that I'm not of his kind, I'm an educated girl (because all educated people speak English. Pffftt) with a purpose in life, and I don't do crazy batshit stuff.

Would that be mean or kinda snobby? Hahaa. Macam la aku ni bagus sangat kan nak cakap kat orang laen macam tu. But he should know better. F***ing creep.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tarawih Tantrum

Ramadhan is here and it's a beautiful month.
It teaches us to be patient.
It reminds us of many unfortunate people out there.
It shows us how greedy and wasteful we can be.
It is the perfect opportunity for us to add and enhance our amal ibadah.
It is the time to cleanse our body. And soul.
It shows the unity of muslims from all around the world.

But.. (ceh, konon-konon start dengan sajak giteww..)

Kenapa la makcik oiii pegi bawak anak-anak kecik datang surau/masjid masa tarawih? Tak nampak ke kat luar dewan solat Masjid Negeri tu die tulih, 'kanak-kanak bawah umur 7 tahun tidak dibenarkan masok ke dewan solat.' Orang laen nak solat tarawih, elok-elok je anak makcik accident kat kaki para jemaah ye. Pastu tak cukup dengan acara lari pecut je, tambah pulak dengan nangis lah, jerit-jerit lah. Saye ni, makcik, bulan-bulan pose ni nak la jadi baek sikit. Macam mana nak jadi baek kalau tengah-tengah solat tarawih dalam hati saye ni menyumpah-nyumpah anak makcik. Ye idok?

So please be considerate towards other jemaah who are trying hard to concentrate in their solat.

FYI, kalau nak tarawih 8 rakaat yang laju macam roket so that korang boleh kejar assignment ke nak kejar lepak kat mamak ke, saye syorkan anda pergi ke Masjid Negeri. Heheh.

Kalau nak tarawih cara Rasulullah (which is ade selingan tazkirah in between tarawih, normally after 4 rakaat), silelah berkunjung ke Surau At-Taqwa Jalan Jasper 7/15. Haa, lepas solat tu balek terus. Jangan memandai singgah rumah No. 22 mintak moreh.

For your own record, I don't usually type gitew or apew or manew.. Jangan lepas ni taknak kawan dah.

Selamat beribadah =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome Ramadhan.

We had a pre-Ramadhan BBQ get together today and it was extremely fun! And hot. And not to mention, sticky.

Thank you Pah for the beautiful and convenient venue.
Thank you Min for the grill.
Thank you Beril and Plumbum girls for setting up the grill.
Thank you Shah Alam for preparing the deliciously marinated lamb, chicken and mash potatoes.
Thank you Beril for preparing spagheti dengan tiga tahap kepedasan yang sebenarnye ada dua tahap aje iaitu tak pedas langsung dan pedas gila, tiada sederhana pedas ye.
Thank you Plumbum for the drinks.
Thank you Ahm and Shabab for working hours and hours, from starting the fire to grilling the food.
Thank you Tika Joho for your awesome I-can-see-all-the-pores-on-your-face camera.
Thank you Aniqah sebab paling semangat and lama mengipas api.
Thank you to all the tkang kipas dan tukang kepit dan tukang terbalek-terbalekkan.
Thank you Aloyah and Tika Joho for being two of the most consistent camera ladies of the day.
Thank you Tika Joho for being patient, taking pretty photos and following the demands of all the beauty pageant girls kat atas dinding swimming pool.
And thank you Tia for being Tika's replacement :D
Thank you to the ones with chocolate cakes on their teeth, korang memang lawa. Especially Aloyah.
Thank you Beril for the chocolate cake.
Thank you Plumbum for being really thoughtful and responsible and rushed to buy new supplies of drinks.
Thank you everyone for singing the UiTM songs so harmoniously.
Thank you self-timer.
Thank you Aqilah dan Syaza sebab kasik pinjam telekong.
Thank you Seming sebab tolong suapkan puding sebab aku tak sempat makan pon lepas tu diorang ni pelahap gila. Hahahaha.
Thank you pak guard for showing us the way to the most jauh-est tong sampah pastu Sal ngan Lin baling sampah terus tembus ke belakang tong sampah and you said "takpe takpe" alololol baeknye.

Acapella, you should put some air-cond in the surau. One ceiling fan is definitely not enough. I bet your gym has air-conds, huh?

So, we went back all full, sticky and we smelled like smoke and lambs but it was fun :)
Here are some phodos I have :

Look at her go.

Aah, ade due je gambar.

Mom and Dad are asleep and the only body brush in the house is in their bathroom. I can't imagine showering tonight without a brush because it would be the same if I hadn't showered at all. So I used this instead and I'm clean as a whistle :

Good night everybody :) <3

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