Saturday, October 17, 2009

A naughty video call session

Sesungut dah kluar eh Min?

OK lah gambar cantek pulak. Haha. Ooh la la.

The pictures aren't that naughty pon kan. Hahaha. Min pon tengah blogging jugak ni. Saje nk tiru. Miss you Seming! Wish I can provide your feet with a comfortable and fluffy 'pillow' but since the 'pillow' goes everywhere I go, there's nothing I can do about it. Haha. But you've got Potter Pillow. AKU TERINGAT KOT BANTAL AKU MASE NAK TIDO KAT SINI. YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE THAT BANTAL. SAME GOES TO YOU, ALOYAH!

I have a picture of budak-budak Beril tapi unfortunately only Aloyah and Syaza yang pakai tudong. So nanti jadi gambar x-rated. Haha. Tapi muka Aloyah memang terbaek la. Hahah.

Rindu dowh karok. Dengar cerita sesi karaoke dah makin banyak skang. Jangan bile aku dah balek korang dah bosan plak kan. Memang kene laa. Pastu jangan nyanyi Melayu yang aku tak tau pulaaak. Aloyah Qaila Lin! Lagu Melayu/Indon baru kat karaoke ko update laa! Haha.

Paling aku rindu : Nasik ayam lemon, Tomyam Hidayah, Sup Cendawan Ali's,ke Ali Corner?

3 yakkety-yaks:

Abmin said...

our skype session was kinda naughty. HAHA. aku selak rmbut, ko selak bnda lain. ahhaa.

bantal ko slamat je la. takde bnda pon. haha. sdap je aku tdo. haha.

ns ayam kemon maken sdap kannn. hehe. nak ke? aku bole pos tp in return I DONT WANT FISH PIE! YUCKSSS!!!!

Anonymous said...

ali's corner..

Haaaannah said...

haha.aku rase tadek aku selak pape pon.kot. hahahah.

ehh min!! fish pie tu sedaaap okaay. die ade mash potato and cheese and ikan tu kecik je.sedap okaaayyy..

thnks ahm.

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