Friday, October 2, 2009

Maddeningly confusing

How can you be the reason I cry and yet you're the person that I'll find to seek comfort?

How can I be mad at you and not mad at you at the same time?

I hope life's not a big joke 'cuz seriously, I don't get it.

I'm so bloody mad right now. I know it's more or less because of my PMS but PMS never bothers me as much as this. I don't know for how much longer I can hold my tongue and shut up.

Hope you're alright. It's kinda empty when we're not like how we was. But, whatever it is, c'est la vie! :)

6 yakkety-yaks:

umar said...

chill up hannah although we are separated by two continent, my feel is still same...n even a good muslimah... remember Allah always with us..

with love,
umar ab aziz

Yana Azhar said...

Awwwwwwwwww, that is so sweet of your SUPERMAN to say those things. Sure malam ni mimpi dia rescue you. Hehehee

Abmin said...

hahaha this is about u and umar kan? hmmm, come on. prove us wrong and show it that your love is stronger than this and you guys can actually work things out even with living in 2 separate continents. haha

abg gagah to the rescue!!

Haaaannah said...

Abg gagah to te rescue minnn? Hahaa. I hope things will turn out like we want them to be. :) patience is virtue.. Mmpi cmtu yana? Haha stkt ni blom lg laa. Umar, thnks for being such a sweet guy. I know i can alwys count on u:)

aloyah said...

aku suke yang abang gagah to the rescue. hihihi

hannah, min pon ade abang gagah. tapi tak rescue2 lagi. hahhaa


Anonymous said...

auwwwww....sweeeet kottttt..xmo gadoh2..chill people.hehe

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