Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hose and Bike

Something terrible happened to me yesterday.

I was on my way home to Roberts Way from a new friend's house sebab dia buat open house. (Thanks a lot Bel and Taufiq, although you're not reading my blog la kan). Aku naek basikal Aisya sebab bas lambat gila nak sampai and I know there will be a lot of drunk guys and gals up on the bus because it was already 10.30PM and it was a Saturday night. A perfect time for me to go home alone, kan? Haha. Stupid me. No, dumb is more like it.

Anyway, as I was cycling on the side walk at the right side of the road, aku nampak la ade sorang mat salleh laki ni macam tengah tuang air kat tepi tu. And it was as if he's holding something long, something like a pipe. You guys figured it out yet? As I went nearer to him, I saw that he was actually peeing and his _______ was ______ long. And he said to me, "Hello there, lovely day."DISGUSTING. Aku elak la kan, turun from the side walk pastu cycle kat jalan raya. It was kinda funny and friggin' scary at the same time. I was so lucky that he didn't turn around and fire his 'hose' at me. Memang kene samak/sertu/whatever la kan.

I thought I was gonna be safe after that. I thought wrong, apparently. Some dude, I dunno if he's drunk or sober, shouted at me but I couldn't hear him. Not because it wasn't understandable but it was because I didn't focus on my surrounding at that time. All I want, is to get back home away from all those drunk bastards. Dia jerit, aku tak dengar. Fine. Tiba-tiba, aku dengar ada orang lari-lari kat belakang aku. And I looked to my right, the same guy who shouted at me was jogging beside me and asked me if he could have Aisya's bike. And I said no. He asked me why and I said it's because the bike isn't mine. Luckily after that, he slowed down, thanked me, tapped me on the back with his finger (I think so. I soo hope that he didn't use a beer bottle). Some of you might ask," Why didn't you cycle faster?" SUMPAH TAK LARAT NAK KAYUH LAGI LAJU.I don't know why I answered his questions but I think it's the same case as Jasmin Anis being silly playing Q&A with Encik Rosli's 'creditor'. Babe, one thing in common, both of us can be a little bit jammed up here in our heads sometimes. Well I got jammed more often than you la kan obviously.

Alhamdulillah tu je yang jadi. I can't imagine what else they can do to me.

Yep, lesson learned. Definitely.

No wandering outside of the house after it gets dark.
If you wanna be safe on Saturday nights, stay home. Or maybe go to ASDA.

p/s: Aisya, thanks for the bicycle and gloves.

One last thing, maybe some you might say that what happened to me was nothing and I shouldn't even write about it, well go **** yourself.

8 yakkety-yaks:

Anonymous said...

sumpah scary.cyan ko.
NOT PRETTY.yeah..wlopn xpnah tgk,tp...erww xnk imagine.hahah..
p/s: u'r so brave!!

Anonymous said...

hannah,haha.wlcome (tertype thnks plak kt ats tu.silap.haha)
sumpah scary.cyan ko.
NOT PRETTY.yeah..wlopn xpnah tgk,tp...erww xnk imagine.hahah..
p/s: u'r so brave!!

umar said...

u learned ur lesson... next time jgn kluar mlm2 lg..i told u to not going to taufiq house n pagar diri tu...well smua dh berlaku..n selamat xberlaku ape2...alhamdulillah

Anonymous said...

fill in the blanks.. hahahahha. dgr ckp umar tu. laki ni pikir die laen xmcm ppuan.

Anonymous said...

ntah dgr ckp umar tu....hisshh..hahahha

aloyah said...


Anonymous said...

hannah,next time kte same2 blk dgn other guys k..
umar,mintk permission.hehe.bkn ape,hannah n i je kt cni.wuwuwu..she'll be fine,dont wori.hehe

Dira said...

what happened to you wasn't nothing, hannah. it was something weh. thank god nothing bad happened. yeah, no more going out at night, but if you must go out at night (okay sumpah pengulangan ayat di sini), make sure u go out in groups k. take care!

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