Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Turn back time.

Know what this is?

This is a time-turner. The one that Hermione used to get Harry and herself back in time, to mend some mistakes.

I bet loads of people want this thingamagiggy, too.

Because everybody has their own regrets, their own mistakes in the past that they wish, with all their might, they can erase. By doing so, they can clear their conscience, make themselves happy, make other people happy as well. Deontology principal. Haha.

That's when a time-turner comes in handy.
You just wear the bloody thing like a necklace, turn the winder a few times and voila! Mistakes corrected. Regrets erased.

If people can turn back time, it can be considered that everybody had never made a mistake and everybody will never make a mistake. Thus, no one will learn.
If people can turn back time, the world will be perfect.
If people can turn back time, no one will die of frustration and depression.
If people can turn back time, you might not even been born.
If people can turn back time, dinosaurs will roam freely in this world like cats and dogs. Rawr.
I have no idea what dinosaurs have to do with this post tapi suka hati la kan. =]

I would say that there's something I regret doing in my past. I friggin' wish that time-turner will exist soon. PLEASE. But in the mean time, I'll just have to live with it because honestly, there's nothing I can do to make it disappear.

6 yakkety-yaks:

Anonymous said...

everybody makes mistakes.
learn from our mistakes.
life is about give n take.
maka,bermaaf-maafan lah d antara satu same lain d dlm bln syawal ini.heheeeeee

Haaaannah said...

too right you are,aisya. thanks!

aloyah said...


s.y.a.h.i.d said...

don't let the sadness of your past

and the fear of the future

ruins the happiness of your present.

a friend

Abmin said...

this would an awesome gadget tp how do ppl face with their mistakes and fears ? why face with it if you can run away from it. haihhh, i need one, ASAP!

Haaaannah said...

" why face with it if you can run away from it"

i like.


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