Saturday, September 19, 2009

Breaking news. Haha.

Ahhh. Lega gila jumpa tempat yang ada free wi-fi.
It's only been 3days and SAYA SANGAT RINDU NASIK TOMYAM KFC.
Brangan la taknak makan nasik konon.

Other things that I miss apart from food is my friends. :(

How are you guys doing? Any gossips, any at all, don't you dare forget to tell me. Hihi.
London's fine, I guess. The weather has been great, not too chilly but always bright. I've been spending most of my time WALKING, one of the many things that I hate doing. Ye Min, you are right about the amount of walking that has to be done. Haha.

On the 18th, I went to Oxford Street ( which also involves a lot of walking ) to see what the shopping area has to offer. Kedai boleh tahan banyak, harga boleh tahan mahal. Sebab tak sale lagi. Primark murah lah, dah beli dah satu sweater. Kalau Lynn datang sini memang rambang mata lah. I can tell that I'll be spending a lot of pounds sterling in Oxford Street when the sale season arrives.

It would be super duper awesome to have you guys here. First, sebab ada kawan nak borak/menganjeng. Second, it would be less awkward for me to walk around in tudung. They look at me as if I'm walking around naked. @&^%$!!~!~!_)(.)(.)(*)_+. Cungkil mate kang. Haha.

Other than that, I'm fine. Except for the walking part. and except for the fact that I can't stop thinking about you guys being here with me, and Umar and nasik and tomyam Hidayah, and the freedom to eat KFC and surprisingly, I miss menara SSAAS. bwahaha.

Sorry this has to be a very untidy post.

3 yakkety-yaks:

Anonymous said...

walking..u'll get used to it

Haaaannah said...

dah rase kekurusan.wakakaka.

maryam said...

seriously ko akan kurus balik nnt.byk jalan.huhu

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