Saturday, September 26, 2009

A post to the minions of Aragog.

My fear of spiders have always been quite pathetic.
I jumped at the sight of the littlest spiders, I feel like vomiting when I see spiders up against the wall proudly spreading their legs (that doesn't sound right), I am extremely disgusted when a spider is on its back, all 8 legs sprawled preparing to die. Kalau die tengah lari laju-laju, lagi laaaaaaaaaa kaki tu banyak nye gerak-geraak. @#$!@()

I have encountered an unfriendly meeting with a spider once, back in SEMSAS.
I was walking back from the kolah. It was at night, and people were busy preparing themselves nak mengaji. I was on my way to my room when suddenly something skinny and black went zooming to my right foot and began squirming in between my toes. Awhmygawd, the geli-ness of it was indescribable. And then I did a little stupid, frantic 'dance' and it scurried away into the bushes, probably laughing as he did so. Stupid creature. Luckily I was alone at that time, and no one (I hope so) had to see my sexy-spiders-go-away dance. Tu lah, lambat lagi pegi mengaji.

I can tolerate cockroaches, although they are friggin' disgusting, always having me as their landing ports back in my home toilet.
I can tolerate lipan, although they have more legs than spiders.
I can tolerate slimy, cold house lizards although one did squirm in my hands when I was digging in my bag to find some clothes.
But spiders. They have this mean attitude, where they think they can scare people off just by sticking onto walls and hanging by their itsy-bitsy strings on people's windows. And in my car, too! Luckily someone came to the rescue and saved me from the spider :) Over-reacting much? -_-"

Oh and yeah, I'd appreciate it if you spiders quit building any web macam flying fox tu because I hate it when your webs got stuck on my face whenever I walk pass trees or branches or whatever. It makes me feel like you're somewhere near, waiting for the right time to jump onto me and scream "Supriseee!!"

I'm sure Ron Weasley would've understand me. And note to Hagrid (just pretend that he exists, okay?), spiders are not cute even if they can fit in a match box.
Aisyah, be careful when you're near the window. Last night I saw a spider tengah lepak-lepak kat tingkap ko. Nak join ko Skype kot. Haha.

Eh panjang pulak post ni.
Sorry spiders, I don't hate you but you scare the shit out of me.

I'm not arachnophobic by the way, not yet. And hopefully never will be.

4 yakkety-yaks:

umar said...

And in my car, too! Luckily someone came to the rescue and saved me from the spider :)......sape??hahaha

umar said...

owh..anyway...nice music..sempoi je..harmony n tenang je bce blog ni..hahahah

Haaaannah said...

hahaaa. sudah gaharu cendana pula umaar..
ha bes kan? :)

Anonymous said... a' sgt tenanggg
bole tdo dgn aman

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