This is a time-turner. The one that Hermione used to get Harry and herself back in time, to mend some mistakes.
I bet loads of people want this thingamagiggy, too.
Because everybody has their own regrets, their own mistakes in the past that they wish, with all their might, they can erase. By doing so, they can clear their conscience, make themselves happy, make other people happy as well. Deontology principal. Haha.
That's when a time-turner comes in handy. You just wear the bloody thing like a necklace, turn the winder a few times and voila! Mistakes corrected. Regrets erased.
If people can turn back time, it can be considered that everybody had never made a mistake and everybody will never make a mistake. Thus, no one will learn. If people can turn back time, the world will be perfect. If people can turn back time, no one will die of frustration and depression. If people can turn back time, you might not even been born. If people can turn back time, dinosaurs will roam freely in this world like cats and dogs. Rawr. I have no idea what dinosaurs have to do with this post tapi suka hati la kan. =]
I would say that there's something I regret doing in my past. I friggin' wish that time-turner will exist soon. PLEASE. But in the mean time, I'll just have to live with it because honestly, there's nothing I can do to make it disappear.
I think I prefer the bus when it comes to traveling.
I used Sharir's bike today, to go to the bank and open up an account. Account Barclay's..bunyi macam glamour kan. Kakakaka.
The problem with guys' bikes are that the palangs are quite high. Pastu seat Sharir tinggi gila. So memang tertonggeng la aku kan. The way to the bank was down the hill, so there wasn't any problems there. Best gila angin masok tudong memang terkelepet la. Confirm gorgeous. Dah sampai bank, I met the person whom I've made an appointment with, Miss Gemma Tufrey. She said that she was suppose to meet another person at 11AM. Then she checked. And I waited.
She found out that my appointment letter stated that my appointment is on Monday October 5th. "So, you're a week early," she said to me. Embarrassed? BLOODY HELL YEAH. It was really fortunate for me, though, because the right person who was suppose to see Tufrey didn't show up. So I continue with the procedure. Heheh. "Lucky me," I thought to myself back then.
Pastu masalah laen pulaaak. Year of completion sepatutnya June 2010. Si UH bodo pegi type June 2012. "Sorry, but you have to get yourself another letter with the correct information. Otherwise, we can't continue." T_T I was lucky enough to get Gemma Tufrey to open up my account, she was so kind.
So, there I was, cycling up the hill. Due to my fitness yang macam sayur ni, I had to dismount and push the bike instead. I queued a loooooooooooooooooooooooong line to get my letter fixed and then Oggy took Sharir's bike sebab dah lambat pegi appointment. So I had to take the bus to the bank, again. Heaven gile naek bus dudok atas cushion.
The main point is:
My ass is in pain. Damn you, bicycle. If I was gonna buy a bike, I'd make sure that the seat tu macam MAS business class, baru aku beli.
My fear of spiders have always been quite pathetic.
I jumped at the sight of the littlest spiders, I feel like vomiting when I see spiders up against the wall proudly spreading their legs (that doesn't sound right), I am extremely disgusted when a spider is on its back, all 8 legs sprawled preparing to die. Kalau die tengah lari laju-laju, lagi laaaaaaaaaa kaki tu banyak nye gerak-geraak. @#$!@()
I have encountered an unfriendly meeting with a spider once, back in SEMSAS.
I was walking back from the kolah. It was at night, and people were busy preparing themselves nak mengaji. I was on my way to my room when suddenly something skinny and black went zooming to my right foot and began squirming in between my toes. Awhmygawd, the geli-ness of it was indescribable. And then I did a little stupid, frantic 'dance' and it scurried away into the bushes, probably laughing as he did so. Stupid creature. Luckily I was alone at that time, and no one (I hope so) had to see my sexy-spiders-go-away dance. Tu lah, lambat lagi pegi mengaji.
I can tolerate cockroaches, although they are friggin' disgusting, always having me as their landing ports back in my home toilet.
I can tolerate lipan, although they have more legs than spiders.
I can tolerate slimy, cold house lizards although one did squirm in my hands when I was digging in my bag to find some clothes.
But spiders. They have this mean attitude, where they think they can scare people off just by sticking onto walls and hanging by their itsy-bitsy strings on people's windows. And in my car, too! Luckily someone came to the rescue and saved me from the spider :) Over-reacting much? -_-"
Oh and yeah, I'd appreciate it if you spiders quit building any web macam flying fox tu because I hate it when your webs got stuck on my face whenever I walk pass trees or branches or whatever. It makes me feel like you're somewhere near, waiting for the right time to jump onto me and scream "Supriseee!!"
I'm sure Ron Weasley would've understand me. And note to Hagrid (just pretend that he exists, okay?), spiders are not cute even if they can fit in a match box.
Aisyah, be careful when you're near the window. Last night I saw a spider tengah lepak-lepak kat tingkap ko. Nak join ko Skype kot. Haha.
Eh panjang pulak post ni.
Sorry spiders, I don't hate you but you scare the shit out of me.
I'm not arachnophobic by the way, not yet. And hopefully never will be.
When I saw the packet says 'vegetable flavour' , the black pepper-ish taste of Mamee vegetable flavour instant noodle came into mind. That was why I decided to buy this.
Even though you're far Even though you're physically unreachable Even though I can only hear your voice through the phone Even though I can no longer hug you Even though we're miles apart
I can still feel your unconditional love ; Everytime you call Everytime you ask me if I'm doing alright Everytime you remind me to do good Everytime you tell me not miss my prayers
Now that you're not here with me I feel lonely My room feels empty I feel empty
I miss you, Ayah.
Sape nak borak ngan akak kat laundry nanti? :'( Sape nak teman akak jalan pegi town now that I'm the only one without a bike? Sape nak tanye akak "what this?" instead of the proper "what's this?"
Thank you for being my backbone, thanks for being everybody's backbone. Kalau ayah takde, terpinga-pinga jugak akak kat sini. Mat salleh tanye pukol berape pon akak tak boleh jawab.There's a saying,
"Everybody can be a father, but not all fathers can be a Dad"
Eh keciknye gambar. Click for bigger size, if you even care to see,that is. Haha
Wehhh Ayuniii,ko ingat aku tak nampak ehhhh??? Hahaha. Mentang-mentang ko tau aku tak berani ngan ko. Haha.
Nanti kite keluar lagi 3 stooges pegi meraban kat mana2,cerita samarinda masing-masing okay. No exceptions okay. Semua details mesti ada, termasuk gambar dan nama penuh. hahahaha
* As I'm typing this, my Windows Media Player played Sesuci Lebaran. Sobs. Not only it reminds me of Raya kat Kampung, teringat time karaoke nyanyi lagu ni. I doubt that I'll find a place that has this song for me to sing-along.
Di kesempatan ini, I wish to apologize for any of my wrongdoings,any at all. Anything that I did that hurt anybody's feelings, I want you to know, that it was unintentional. I don't hurt people for fun.
This is the first time I spend my Raya without my family, except for Ayah. Thanks a bunch, Ayah. I'd be totally lost here if you're not with me. I heart you.Anyway, I spent my first Raya struggling with 2 shit heavy luggage in each hands and a laptop bag slinged across my neck, walking from the hotel to King's Cross St. Pancras train station and board a train to Hatfield. It was a hectic Raya for me, and for Ayah as well. We had a hard time carrying the bags up and down several flights of stairs at hotel and the Hatfield train station. Where is the technology of escalators when we need one?! And we both suffered from back pain. Aww how sweet. Saket blakang pon same-same. Like father like daughter.
Petang raya, we walked to the nearest shopping mall, The Galleria to buy some stuff that I forgot to bring. On our way there, we bumped into a local, a makcik. Borak lame okay,panjang pulak die explain macam mana nak pegi town. 2,3 kali jugak explain. Aku angguk and cakap, "oh,really?". Tak pon, " oh,okay. That's nice to know". Atau " okay,will do".. But, it's nice to know that the residents there are quite friendly. An Indian girl said 'hello' to me when she passed by and I don't think we've even seen each other before.Haih. I miss all the rendang and ketupat and the satays. I miss my family back home. Hazim cakap tadi " boringla tadek kakak". Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :')Akak buat taktau kat Ajim pon Ajim kate macam tu eh? Nanti Ajim la paling banyak dapat souvenir okay?
Have a great Eid everybody. Hope yours aren't as tiring as mine. :)
P/S : sape-sape nak autograph Anas Tahir tempah awal-awal. HAHA
Ahhh. Lega gila jumpa tempat yang ada free wi-fi. It's only been 3days and SAYA SANGAT RINDU NASIK TOMYAM KFC. Brangan la taknak makan nasik konon.
Other things that I miss apart from food is my friends. :(
How are you guys doing? Any gossips, any at all, don't you dare forget to tell me. Hihi. London's fine, I guess. The weather has been great, not too chilly but always bright. I've been spending most of my time WALKING, one of the many things that I hate doing. Ye Min, you are right about the amount of walking that has to be done. Haha.
On the 18th, I went to Oxford Street ( which also involves a lot of walking ) to see what the shopping area has to offer. Kedai boleh tahan banyak, harga boleh tahan mahal. Sebab tak sale lagi. Primark murah lah, dah beli dah satu sweater. Kalau Lynn datang sini memang rambang mata lah. I can tell that I'll be spending a lot of pounds sterling in Oxford Street when the sale season arrives.
It would be super duper awesome to have you guys here. First, sebab ada kawan nak borak/menganjeng. Second, it would be less awkward for me to walk around in tudung. They look at me as if I'm walking around naked. @&^%$!!~!~!_)(.)(.)(*)_+. Cungkil mate kang. Haha.
Other than that, I'm fine. Except for the walking part. and except for the fact that I can't stop thinking about you guys being here with me, and Umar and nasik and tomyam Hidayah, and the freedom to eat KFC and surprisingly, I miss menara SSAAS. bwahaha.
May your success in singing continues only in karaoke sessions. hahahha. Just kidding, kalau ko kluar album, memang aku orang first beli. Original lagi tu.
Thanks for being my menganjeng partner. <3 Sayey ko awop,mep. haha.
I had a greaaaaaaaaaaat time at Pizza Hut tadi during buka puasa with the Beril hotbabes and the one and only Plumbum hotbabe (gile xglemer Min Plumbum) Memang gelak tak ingat dunia tengok si Loyah pakai baju Lin. Nak tau kenapa? Hooo.. tak boleh cakap kat sini. Hahaa.
I'll definitely miss them. I'll definitely miss :
Jasmin's kawad gorilla and the feeling of her feet on my *tuuuuuuuut*. hahaha.
Aloyah's hysterical laugh and the ability to sing ' The Greates Love Of Aaaaalll'. Oh and her capability of menganjeng yang boleh tahan hebatnye.
Menganjeng Syaza gelak and watching her gaul nasik dengan kuah hingga sebati.
Tengok mate Lynn. Macam ni ----> -_-
Min Amalia's ramblings about Kpop! Jangan sedih eh Min pasal 2PM tu.
Salihah's imitations of Anas Tahir.
Aqilah's version of Destiny - Misha Omar and our fascinations towards Roibos Tea/Air Gedegang.
seeing Fafa doing her private practice of MJ dances.
the video of you guys dancing to APDC (Ada Pe Dengan Cinta)
our session of berangan nak kawin la ape la yang tak boleh ditulis di sini. hehaheahea.
I know I can make the list longer when I'm already in the UK.
In the car on the way to Subang Parade, Hazim was trying to persuade my Mom and Dad to buy him a new pet.
Hazim : Haaa,ape lagi eh yang boleh jadi pet other than cats?
Ayah : Cube Ajim think, ape lagi yang boleh jadi pet.
Hazim : Iguana?
Mama : Hisshh. Taknak lah. Kang terlepas macam mane? Kucing la best Ajim, boleh peluk.
Hazim : Yela tapi nanti die poop dalam bilik Ayah pulak buang die.
Ayah : Bela rabbit nak?
Hazim : Emmm.. rabbit. Best jugak. Tapi die shy and nanti die makan die punye own poop. -_-"
Ayah : Bela rabbit la Ajim. Nanti boleh makan.
Hazim : Ayaaahhhh *sour face*
Ayah : Abistu? Haa, Ajim bela pet Mummy and pet Daddy.
Hazim : Ayaaah. Betol2 lah. Tapi nanti pegi keje pagi2 jugak pet Mummy and pet Daddy tu.
Ayah : Takpe la. Petang2 balik keje boleh la maen. Haa,pastu pet Mummy and pet Daddy nanti poop sendiri kat jamban. *gelak macam gila pastu Mama pon join*
Hazim : Ayaaaahhhh...!
Apparently he's bored being alone around the house. And apparently his only sister doesn't pay attention to him sangat. Sorry eh Ajim, nanti akak bawak balik guard Buckingham Palace for you to play with. :) Love you, Adik.
This is my second blog, actually. I hope the URL is 'cool' enough. Haha. I don't know why I created this blog. Maybe because of my needs to express my feelings towards things that are more personal. (Honestly if you write anything in Facebook, people will think that you want the attention.) Or maybe just because dah terpengaruh dengan cool bloggers seperti Jasmin Anis and Dira Weasley. *ikhlas* So Min and Dira, tunjuk ajarku sifu. Min, you can tell me how to write beautiful stuff and poems and whatever, because trust me,your English is awesome, even though sometimes you'd ask me questions like, " doesn't helps ke doesn't help?" I always find your grammatical errors hilarious, Min. You know which one is my personal favourite, kan? The latest one is, I don't think this is a grammatical error but it's funny all the same, "Dad I". HAHAH! Aaaaaand Dira, can you be a darling and be my dictionary please? :D Haha. Kagum kot tengok your English.