Friday, March 26, 2010


I got an interview invitation from Malaysian Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB)
Funnily enough, I did a presentation about MAHB in Semester 4..or 3?
I also used the announcement chime in KLIA as my text message alert.
Hahah. Apakah ini? Jodoh kah? Hahah
I so wanna work in KLIA. So hopefully I will do well in the interview.
I am so freaking nervous!
It's on Tuesday March 30, 2010. 10 am.
I am excited, but with all these assignments that I have to submit by 1 April
Not only that, I'm starting to lose my willingness to get up and go to classes, do homework, go to the library and complete my work there,
I did all of those last week and I did it almost everyday.
What's happening to me!?
Ini pon dah ponteng 2 classes. Just because I don't feel like waking up.

Easter holiday spirit has arrived a week early, and that's baaaadd.

BTW I had a dream last night.
Colonel Sanders was running amok outside 7Eleven in which I was with Hazim buying Slurpee.
He was holding a gun and he was fatter than usual.
Shot a couple of policemen and threw a bomb to the left and right buildings beside that 7Eleven.
I held on to Hazim so tight, getting ready to be squashed by both buildings
But nothing actually happened after the bomb went off.
Turned out to be a joke for April Fool's Day.
The buildings yang dah runtuh were prettily decorated with Christmas lights that said "April Fool", merrily going on and off.

April Fool's Day has also arrived a bit too early, though I have no idea why it bothers to show up in my dreams because I've never even celebrated this day. Maybe someone's planning something................

1 yakkety-yaks:

Yana Azhar said...

Congratulations babe!! Weeeeeeee. All the best okay? You can do it.

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