Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hey ladies

Since I've got so much time in my hand, Imma copy this chain message I got from my a friend through BBM here.

Dear residents & members,

Please take head of this alert as many had fallen victims. Send it to all friends so that they too can be alerted.

Customer Service Exec
Hotline no 03-33733994

Orange Proton Taxi No. HWC 244

Please be warned that there is an orange Proton cab with the number plate HWC 244 (name of cab company - Innovasi Timur Sdn Bhd) who is out to get single women drivers, for unknown reasons but we believe potentially to rape and kill. The cab is driven by a fat and bald Malay man (occasionally with two other men in the car who look like Indonesians) who have been going around doing the following (possibly among others) to get women to come out of their cars by attempting to create and accident.

  1. Cutting into your lane quickly so that you have to swerve to avoid an accident.
  2. Braking suddenly on a road where there is just you and them.
  3. Driving extremely slowly in front of you and when you try to overtake, he will try to knock into you by swerving into your lane.

It is very likely that more than once woman have experienced the attempts of the driver of this cab but it is unknown if he has been successful in raping/murdering any women yet.

Please don't let it happen to you! Please be very observant and careful and look out for this cab, especially when you are travelling on a quiet road by yourself.

There have been so many rape cases lately (e.g. the one in Centrepoint) so please warn your loved ones - wives, daughters, friends, mothers, sisters, mak mentua, or bakal mak mentua etc. to be extra careful.

Watch out for HWC 244 and other similar perpetrators.

As if there are not enough creeps already in this world.. Sheesh. Bulan puasa pon nak buat kerja tak senonoh macam ni.

0 yakkety-yaks:

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