Monday, September 27, 2010

A very whine-y post. (You have been warned)

1. Waking up early (at 8 or 9, that's early for an unemployed person I think) everyday and thinking what should I be doing today? I'm kinda weirded out at the fact that I wake up early on days that I don't have important things to do and don't feel like getting out of bed on days that I have interviews or something else that's important.

2. Do the laundry.

3. Cook for Hazim.

4. Grocery shopping.

5. Run errands like going to the dry cleaners and such.

6. Go out for dinner with the girls if they happen to ask me to join them.

7. Internet is a must.

8. Vacuuming my room, not the house, just my room. Hahahah.

That's not even half of the works of a regular housewife. And still Hannah, you just have to complain and whine.

I have nothing to look forward to everyday besides getting phone calls from employers who'd want to set me up for interviews. My life's a bore, even Baloo has a more exciting social life than I do. I've failed all the interviews I went to, and that made me feel worse. What if I'm the kind that failed in the interview but could do the job as good as everybody else? What if I'm not good at promoting and selling myself? Does that mean that I'm not good at anything else?


But on the bright side, I'm going to London this November for my graduation ceremony woooooohoooooooo. Screw you, job-hunting!

I sometimes wish I'm still doing my degree with my friends. I might be 99% insane with all the assignments and tests but at least I'm not at home, alone.

1 yakkety-yaks:

Abmin said...

u wish but trust me, u dont wanna be doing all the assignments and tests right now. haha

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