Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things with job interviews...

1. You can't say 'I don't know, sir, I'm sorry' because it's considered rude. Instead you say, 'I'm sorry, sir, I'm not so sure.' Though I think there's a big difference between an I don't know and an I'm not so sure. Ah well, for the sake of politeness.

2. If there's more than one interviewer, as you talk, try to look at all of them, so they don't feel like being left out by you.

3. Remember to knock before you enter.

4. If the interviewer is pissing you off, be professional and stay calm.

5. It's not a good idea to talk about things like 'Harry Potter' or 'I can work for long hours providing that I have coffee and sour Skittles' with a serious interviewer. They don't appreciate this little thing called 'fun'.

6. Be fully aware about the table. If it's a transparent table, be careful about what you do with your hands if you happen to place them on your lap underneath the table. You don't wanna be scratching any body parts that aren't suppose to be scratched in public, or you don't wanna be making rude hand gestures.

7. Mirror your interviewer. If they sit in a sort of rigid and straight position, you might as well sit like him. If he's relaxed and leaning back against the chair, you could do the more-polite version of that. (This has been told by a lady in a recruiter firm in Akar Insan, Bangsar)

8. Don't go to the interview with an empty stomach. Nanti bunyi malu dooohh!!!

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