Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pervs unite.

I found this website, It's a site where they'll pick a random stranger and let us have a one-on-one conversation. See how I cleverly copied the sentence from the website there. At first, I thought it was harmless. You know, having a normal conversation would have normal questions like these:

This is a normal conversation. At least sampai situ still normal. So I got bored with this one and I disconnected and started a new conversation. I was gila curious if the people using this site are actually real, you know, alive and breathing. OK, so here's the next conversation. And no, it was not normal. It was sick.

This is downright disgusting and this is the most disgusting online conversation I've ever faced in my entire 21 years of life >:(
I don't know where that 22 f boston came from. Obviously I wasn't dumb enough to tell the truth. So I made myself a little bit older and Boston?!?! It sounded cool to come from there so I just tulis jelah. This conversation made me go all chilly inside. EUWHH!

So I searched for Omegle in YouTube and surprise surprise, Omegle is a home to thousands of pervert. Come to think of it, this Omegle thingy reminded me very much of MySpace. Home of rempits and Malay pervert. Sorry for the harsh judgment on MySpace. I talk based on my experience as a former user. :D

Stay away from this website!

5 yakkety-yaks:

Yana Azhar said...

Babe, website tu memang cem tu laaaa. Let the pervs unite with the pervs and we shall stay awayyyyhhhh from them. Just keep up with website
#5 okay? HAHA

syah8 said...

seb bek x wat video call!

hannah. said...

yana : you knew about this omegle thingy? i just found out about it yesterday sbb tu i mcm innocent kot igt bnde ni harmless. yeah, let's just continue bidding and winning!hahah

syah8 : i dont know what i'll find kalau vidcall. euw.

Anonymous said...

KNAPE KO BUKAK PON WEBSITE TU GLEEEEE??? you perv!hahahaha f 22 boston? My god. boh laa, f 27 LA. ahahaaha


mont said...

hahaha. curious? aku baru jumpe kot. aku xtau pape pasal website tu.

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