Friday, December 4, 2009


I'm having dinner at 2.18 in the morning sambil tengok anime yang sangat kelakar rase macam nak terkeluar noodles dari hidong. Yes, I'm eating instant noodles, 2 packets of them and using a small teaspoon because I'm waaaay too lazy to go downstairs to the kitchen to get a proper fork and spoon. Imagine how long it'll take me to finish eating up all the noodles + the soup.

Sad news!

The letter 'F' dah tercabot. So now you how hard it is for me to write the post title and also my name and oh, it is hard jugak nak type assignments haha. If the F tak tercabot, my Twitter name would've been farahhannahnoormohd. That would piss my friends off. Hahah. Not only that, my PC's full of viruses and as a result, it is super lembab, always not responding, bile shutdown die switch on sendiri balek because the Windows Vista dah corrupted(the first this happened I got VERY freaked out and I was like, "eh,aku rase aku tekan shutdown,bukannye restart" *bulu roma meremang*) hahahah. I would get it reformatted but since a few minutes without a computer drives me crazy, so I decided to just let it be. Haha. Haih, I think I need a new laptop but it's not that critical pon. Haritu I tried hinting to my mom through Andi, then Mama asked me, "Akak nak laptop baru?" and I went, "ehh tadekla, akak maen2 je. Andi la ni bagitau..hishh." and then she replied "fuhh, lega"


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