Sunday, December 6, 2009


Alamak besanye gambar, sorry Umar. Haha.

Safe journey
Have lotsa fun!
Be safe, be well
Take care
Gonna miss you!
In other news,

Hazim's keeping a new pet now and it's a lizard. It's pretty much the same size as the common lizards but it's got webbed feet. How disgusting is that? And it feeds on crickets. And the crickets need to be fed as well, ia makan dedak ayam. Lengkap food chain. -_-"

Videocalled Dad and still-sleepy-faced Mom just now and they suggested for me to start looking for a job now. Even the thought of it was quite frightening. Cakap English pon past tense present tense bertabur. I wonder if it's easy to hunt for a job here in England.

In need of a facial treatment and a proper haircut. Pronto!

Ayah got tongue-tied : rebung jadi jerung. Macam mane bleh tersasul macam ni. Jerung masak lemak mmmmm~

I miss home. OK, I'll stop saying that now cuz who doesn't miss home?

Wished that I was a better sister to Ajim before I flew to UK.

I'm a professional procrastinator.

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