In another cheerful note, I have failed yet another interview. :D I loathe interviews so much that if the Cruciatus curse is not an Unforgivable curse and wands can actually be used, I would've set it on the ones who invented this interview torture thing. *humph*
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Have you guys ever bought a product that you later discover is actually broken or damaged, but you weren't told about it - let's say, a sofa set?
Have you ever moved into a new house that is built so perfect until several weeks later, the walls are filled with watermarks?
Have you ever sent your car to the workshop to get something fixed, and you ended up getting a cheap spare parts on your car which got broken again a week later?
These matters are regarding Malaysian attitudes towards something called a 'job'.
If your job is to sell a piece of shitty sofa set, you just have to sell it, even though it's broken. If your customers don't find out about the damage, then you're safe, you've done your job. If they find out about it, well, I'll think about that later.
If your job includes building houses for residential ares (PKNS), then you just have to build them and get them done as fast as you can. Sure, you left out some parts here and there but nobody's gonna find out, the parts you left out are within the walls anyway so who's to see? There, a house built. A shitty house.
And if your job is to fix a car, use cheap spare parts, wham it onto the car and done. As long as it's attached to the car, it's a job well done.
Malaysians - asal siap sudahlah. If I did a good job, my pay will still be the same anyway.
We'll never be out of the 'third world mindset' group if these people continue to exist.
I'm not bragging about other countries, but when I was in London in Yana's cousin's house, there was this man, probably in his 40's, and his work is to get rid of pidgeon poop on people's balconies, or so I was told. Anyway, he cleans balconies okay, and he did it full-heartedly, like he embraced his shitty job. He seemed happy, anyway.
Imagine if a Malaysian get that job. Sheesh.
This is a sincere reminder to myself and to you guys. Love what you do and do what you love, which i find quite difficult since what I love doing is to sleep all day and I can't find a place in my heart to love a thing called Accounting & Finance.