Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Exams, you ruin people's life.

Seriously, I don't have the effin' mood to sit for the exams.

BTW, do you know how to pronounce Eyjafjallajökull? It's the name of the volcano in Iceland whose eruption caused so many flights to be canceled and people stranded in the middle of nowhere and sales of WH Smith in most airports in the UK to decline significantly?

Well, this is how you pronounce it.

Now that's what I would love to learn everyday. Interesting things like that. Not boring stuff like how much dividends does a mature company would likely to be paying out to its shareholders, why does a declining company has to have a high pay-out ratio. I don't know and I don't wanna know! I'm not interested in being an accountant/finance executive/manager/person anymore. Because these suck! I can't imagine working as an accountant/finance manager. I can't imagine having to do things that I don't even like..and better yet, being underpaid for it! Blargh!

I wanna do easy things. Eh bukan, I wanna do things that I like to do and get paid for it. Like, for instance, eat? The more I eat, the more I get paid. The more I get paid, I can do more hours in the gym to get fit again. HAHA brangan. Sudahlah Hannah, the exams are coming whether you like it or not and you better be prepared for them. Instead of ranting here on how you hate preparing for the exams, it's better for you to continue reading. :D

4 yakkety-yaks:

Anonymous said...

oh yes lorrr.. dont feel like taking exams.

Dira said...

Yessss exactlyyyy. I feel you. Haih.

Yana Azhar said...

OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. When I got an e-mail about this volcano I was thinking 'How the hell should I pronounce the name??' Thanks for clarifying that for me. :)) All the best hunn!

Abmin said...

Still susah kot nk pronouce. hahaha. goodluck hannah!

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