Tuesday, February 2, 2010



Disgruntled Hannah is disgruntled.

How do you deal with your anger?

Someone told me about a hadith that says that when you're angry, sit down. If you're still angry, lie down. If that doesn't work too, amek air semayang.

Being me, those things work, but not for as long as I want them to. I don't know why but I think it's because I don't want to let the anger go. I want the problem to be settled there and then. Or else, I'll go to bed mad.

I prefer to write when I'm angry, throwing curse words in every sentences ahhh pure bliss. Somehow cursing always makes me feel relieved, and a little less tense. I'll feel a lot more better if I can shout and curse at the same time. That brings out the indecency in me. If only beeping sounds are real, then I can curse all I want and nobody would have to hear what curse word I've chose. Hahah.

Cursing's not ladylike, and it'll get you into trouble, if you curse at the wrong people at the wrong time using the wrong word. HAHA.

As part of my new year resolutions, I'm trying to reduce the amount of curse words I use in my daily life. But I find it very hard, especially when I'm alone and Mozilla Firefox says 'Not Responding'.

I feel better now.

Personal message: I WILL NOT watch that movie tonight as a sign of protest! Humph!

5 yakkety-yaks:

chemistree said...

"wrong people at the wrong time using the wrong word"..hmmm..try babi..i found it to be universal..huhu..
klo da amek air smayg pon xde efek, amek bntl, ttp muke, n go CURSE!!! huhu..
xpon, amek quran bce..terbaek..hehe

Haaaannah said...

agreed :)
best method ever.

chemistree said...

err,mne 1?babi?

Haaaannah said...

bukan laaa, yg quran tu la.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha XD

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