Monday, July 5, 2010


Life after graduating is full of uncertainty.

It's not certain if you'll ever get a job.
It's not certain if you'll ever get a sponsorship for ACCA.
It's not certain what kind of results you'll get for your ACCA exams.
It's not certain what kind of job you'll get, if you ever get a job that is.
It's not certain what will become of you once you've got the job.
It's not certain that your boss won't be a psycho freak like those in the movies.
It's not certain that you'll be accepted by your new colleagues.
I'm not sure whether to take ACCA full time, or while working.

All I'm saying is,

I miss my student life, which I think, passed me by so so so so so so very quickly.
And to make it worse, I only have ONE convocation ceremony! Which means there will be only ONE time I'll be receiving a a crappy teddy bear wearing a mortar board with a wooden stick protruding from its a** and being beautifully surrounded by flowers. Blargh! HAHHA.

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