Monday, June 7, 2010

I'll miss you.

Things that I will miss about UK:

1. The weather.
2. The efficiency and punctuality of the public transports.
3. Cheap foods.
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
5. The mentality of people here.
7. "Here's your receipt. Thank you, love."
8. Clean, drinkable tap water.
9. Hyde Park.
10. Can wear anything and not be criticized and judged.
11. Boots and Superdrug.
12. Primark.
13. The internet speed.
14. Cute dogs.
15. Heavy, fat stray cats.
16. Northern folks, because they're nicer.
17. Staring at the sky when the snow's falling.
18. Drivers give priority to pedestrians.
19. Various flavours of fruit juices and energy drinks.
20. Learning Resource Centre.

Things that I won't miss about UK:

1. The weather.
2. Drunkards.
3. Bees and spiders zooming and crawling into my room.
4. Pollen floating around your nose.
5. Snow that has gone rock hard and slippery.
6. My classes.
7. PDA's.
8. The fact that I have to walk everywhere.
9. Random creepy "Asian" man. (And by Asian, I don't mean Chinese)
Eh 9 je..? So, I guess I'll definitely miss this place. :)

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