Friday, August 26, 2011


I turn 22 today! Here's a picture of Jared Leto and a giant cracker

Charming, isn't he?

I'm flying off to the UK in less than a week and trust me, I'm not looking forward to it.

First, I may still be in a Raya mood at that time and having to stress myself over what has to be packed and what has been packed is not a thing one should worry about that time of the year.

Second, I will be going alone. I'm fine with the flying, although I must admit going through customs and immigration might be a bit scary. It's the registration at LSBF that I'm worried about. Before this, I have 5 of my friends with me so it wasn't very frightening. But this time, I'll be completely by myself without anyone to sesat with me! Gahhh, help me God.

Third. This is the hardest part. Saying good bye to loved ones. Guys, I really gonna miss all of you and I really hope you can join me in London soon! :) It'll be fun with all of you around, it's gonna be like a long-term vacation.

Other than those things, I think I'm all set to go. Yeay me. Go me.

Jasmin, before you go to the States to pursue your nannying career, I suggest you bring your ass to the UK and have a Euro trip with me first. Only after that, I will give you my consent. Comprende? Hehehehhe. Berangan pelis.

And as for you, dearly beloved, thank you for all the birthday gifts. Even though you're not the first one to call and wish me a happy birthday, you're still first place in pretty much everything else.

Hope I'll be fine over there. Ya Allah, protect me from harm.

0 yakkety-yaks:

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