Thursday, April 28, 2011


It was a pleasant morning. The sun was shining ever so brightly and I was on my way to the office. Federal highway was horrible as usual. So I drove and drove while listening to the radio. It's a rare occurrence you know, me listening to the radio because I normally listen to my iPod. Dangerous, I know. So, I was less than a kilometer away from my office, when this car came right out of the junction and went into the lane where I was speeding, tak la speeding sangat tapi laju la, confident kan, yela jalan aku haha, and then ape lagi, terjadilah traffic collision. I hit the brakes but it was too late. I rammed straight into the guy's car. According to that guy, aku 'terpelanting ke depan' when I tried to stop my car. But the damage is done.

At first, I panicked. My mind was trying to think, 'OK salah siapa ni? Salah aku ke salah dia?' That was the only thing I could think of after I 'terpelanting ke depan'. Thank God I didn't have my iPod plugged in wehhh, kalau tak dia boleh salahkan aku. At that time, the air is full by the sound of people honking their cars. Weh sabar la kan, aku ni tengah blur kot, post accident effect. Then this car, which was a Honda Civic, started to drive away. I thought he was going to just run away and leave me there. And then he signaled me, saying that he'll stop at the other side of the road. OK lah, fine.

Then, one of his friends, who was also in that car, came up to me. Aku ni konon nak tunjuk garang lah, nak marah dia, apsal tak berhenti bila nak keluar simpang. Sekali keluar je kereta, kaki menggeletar, badan menggigil, air mata jangan cakap lah. Pastu nak marah jugak punya pasal, ha marah la tapi suara yang keluar tu memang 'garang' abis lah. Menggigil je mulut. Apppaaassaalll t-t-taak t-t-t-tengok d-d-d-ulluuu?? Haa??? I felt so gila pathetic at that time, I felt so weak. I don't know why I cried, it was clearly NOT my fault. Pfft. I think because I was under a lot of pressure and I was still stunned about what just happened. Plus, it was my first car accident involving another car, you know, moving car with people in it. If it's car accident involving inanimate objects like trees or cones or people's house gates, I think I can handle that kind of pressure. Or just ignore it.

Luckily the guy was a nice guy and he admitted that he's the one at fault, which makes all the shenanigans much more easier.

My poor wukong is now in Sungai Besi, alone and cold amongst other cars.

Syiiaaannnn diee? Cube cari nombor plat dia? Tak ada bukan? Tau kenapa? Sebab dah terlekat kat kereta orang tu. Tulah orang kata, kissing kuat sangat mestilah tertinggal lipstick. Ha lebih kurang camtu la nih. Lambang proton pon takde. I was thinking of replacing the Proton logo with an Autobot logo? Or Decepticon. No? Too rempit? OK.

But all in all, I couldn't do nothing today if it wasn't for my Dad. He settled everything for me, I just stand there veiled in hopelessness. I love you Dadi. :D

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