Friday, March 23, 2012


Do any of you (if there's anyone out there reading this, anyway) have an accent when you speak English with someone non-Malaysian?

I tend to have this accent where I tend to soften my D's and my R's. To put it simply, I tend to speak English with my own version of American accent, I think.

I met this Indian lady from Mumbai, and she told me that she had lived in Jakarta for 9 years. That got me excited because I knew she must've picked up some Malay words, which technically are similar to Indonesian words. I asked her a lot of questions and some of it involved the word 'Jakarta'. The way I pronounced it wasn't 'Jakarta' but 'Jakarda'.. CEWAH!! American gituh! Siap tany pernah makan ayam penyet ke tak lagi tuh..

After some time I felt a bit embarrassed with myself for speaking that way but when I come to think of it, I was comfortable. I didn't feel fake or pretentious. But I can't speak that way with fellow Malaysians. Syok sendiri je nanti.

Why am I writing about this? Oh, I wanted to test out this Blogger app to see if it's any good. If it is, be warned. There shall be many impromptu posts coming.

Sometimes I feel like this blog is syok sendiri!

Hey here's a dandy picture I just made using various apps, because you know, I'm that creative.

0 yakkety-yaks:

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